Updates from the Gypsies

Just thought I would pop on over here and do some writing. I have been feeling so peaceful and relaxed since we arrived in Missouri. For me this place feels a bit like home. We are out in the country on a HUGE piece of property. There is a lot of fields and trees behind that. The weather is very warm but not as hot as the summer we were in Oklahoma thankfully.

It’s kind of strange because just because my life has felt peaceful and relaxed doesn’t mean that I’m not being shown messages and given lessons. Lately the loudest one has been to appreciate what I have and a reminder that “things” don’t matter but people do. I have been given a much greater appreciation for my wonderful husband and my amazing son. I have been reminded that where we are is not really important as long as we are together.

Our funds have dissipated and we are back to budgeting but I don’t mind so much. We’ve been fortunate enough to be able to help out others once again and that feels good and right. The help is not always financial but sometimes simply by being there and that is so important in my life.

Things have gotten busy for me. I’m co-hosting Dear Emmy on Saturday Nights on ztalkradio.com and that is so much fun for me and still very important upon this journey I’m taking. I’ve made some very important and interesting friends during my time with Our Worlds Productions and I’m very thankful that Elizabeth Rose came into my life and has introduced me to this new world. Beyond that this experience has showed me that I am capable to talking to people that I didn’t ever expect to be able to communicate with in a way that I did not think I had within me.

Recently I have been reminded how our decisions and choices can effect others in major ways. I have a friend who has been struggling with a major decision in their life and watching the effect it is having on others within that family and circle of friends has been very eye opening for me. I think often times we forget that our personal choices can have underlying effects on other people’s lives. Why? Because our lives are intertwined. Even when you live like I do, in a camper where you can go where the wind blows, other people’s choices can have an effect on you and your choices can effect others.

I have also been reminded recently of my own beliefs and feelings on marriage and commitment. I am thinking it is time for me to do some writing on that. So many people think that if it is “right” it will be easy but that simply isn’t true. All relationships take work and time. Many people who know John and I now think that we have always been the way we are now but I have to tell them that it has not always been easy and we have had our ups and downs as a couple too. A relationship like ours took work in the beginning too and many years of work at that. We still have our rough moments but the work and agreements we have made over time, the communication we have developed, helped us to be stronger now and now when we have something crop up we are better able to get through it.

Learning about your significant other takes time. Learning how to communicate with each other takes time and patience. That’s what commitment is about. It’s about being willing to put in that work to gain the rewards. And the rewards for that are many, not the least of which is LOVE in a way that you may never have experienced it before.

Ok enough on that for now, I might elaborate on long term relationships more in the future but today was just supposed to be an update and a bit of a ramble.

So for those of you wondering what’s been happening with us and where we are at, we are still happily in Missouri and right now we are not sure how long that may be for. I can’t go in to details because some of what I have learned comes from other people’s private lives but I will say that we certainly were led here and there were many reasons we needed to be here. Many good things have come from it and though I see some rough times coming for a few folks, I believe that all things happen for a reason and I do see the silver lining for a few others. Connections have been made because we were able to come here that might otherwise never have happened. People I care deeply about are looking at getting some wonderful things appearing in their lives. Other people I care deeply about are struggling and going through some difficult times but we will be there for them if they want us to be.

As I’m writing this, I’m also listening to Our Worlds show live and Elizabeth had the guest pulled some cards for me. The cards say that I’m attempting to make too many people happy and reminding me that I cannot make everyone happy. The cards say that I need to remember to take a step back and take time for myself to meditate and get in touch with myself as well. Lately this lesson has appeared often from readers we have had on the show and I am trying to listen. My favorite time of the day is when I wake up and everyone else is still sleeping. It’s quiet and peaceful and I always feel better when I have even just a few of those moments in the beginning of the day. There has just been a lot going on lately and that time has not presented itself often. I don’t mind. I like being busy, I like having people in my life, but I will make the time for me too and I think that is good advice for everyone. Remember to take some time every day just for you. Don’t shut others out, don’t forget to communicate but just a few minutes every day to reconnect with your SELF will do you lots of good.

Ok. I’ve rambled enough. We are well. We are happy. And we don’t know where this path is leading but what a lovely ride it has been.

About Tracy Seekins

Be the Change you want to see in the world!
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